Explore Hands-On Learning 课堂之外 at 十大最好的网赌平台-十大网赌平台推荐



位于查尔斯顿市中心, 十大最好的网赌平台 is within walking distance of numerous historic sites and thriving downtown businesses and nonprofits on the peninsula. 然而, when the allure of using the Lowcountry as a classroom beckons, the surrounding coastal area is only a hop, 跳过, 再往远处跳.


得益于其历史悠久的城市校园, 十大最好的网赌平台 is uniquely situated for its students to build meaningful and lasting partnerships within the community. From its younger children supporting the efforts of local nonprofits like Water Mission and 南卡罗莱纳水族馆 to older girls leading partnerships to help the causes closest to their hearts, they are gaining enriching experiences and the opportunity to use their efforts to support others. Woven into the curriculum and formalized through the School’s Community Action Initiative, volunteer opportunities support educational, 健康, 以及环境问题, 在许多其他方面, and deepen each student’s affinity for Charleston and its people.

Recent partnerships have included the Medical University of South Carolina, 南卡罗莱纳水族馆, 吉布斯艺术博物馆, 查尔斯顿学院, 低地海事协会, 美国建筑艺术学院, 麦当劳之家, 等. In glimpsing the many ways in which they can connect and contribute, 十大最好的网赌平台 students embrace their role as active citizens.

Exploration through a Lowcountry Classroom

Glittering on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, the Lowcountry coastal landscape offers an abundance of maritime forests, 沼泽, 海滩, and rivers primed for exploration with purpose. From the Early Education Center to the 上学校, 十大最好的网赌平台 students take full advantage of Charleston’s maritime connections. Fourth graders find it authentic and invigorating to study ecology on the shoreline at Camp St. 克里斯多夫, kindergartners investigate sea turtle nesting sites near the ocean in the spring, and primary students are thrilled at their first sighting of alligators at Cypress Gardens.

Specifically structured to include research experiences in the field, Honors Biology II offers students a chance to study botany and ornithology at the Pitt Street Bridge, aw aw解说中心, and Clemson’s Coastal Research and Education Center. 强调保护, 可持续性, 以及低地地区复杂的生态系统, each trip provides a hands-on experience that brings 十大最好的网赌平台’s curriculum alive in a tangible way.

Beyond the Gates: A School and City Forever Entwined

走出他们学校的大门, 十大最好的网赌平台 students are well-prepared to expand their sphere and thus broaden their understanding of the world. 在蓝天中, 槲, 还有海风吹过的海滩, conservation adventures leave a lasting impression, and 十大最好的网赌平台 students truly embrace the wide expanse of the Lowcountry as their classroom.


十大最好的网赌平台 is a K-12 independent school for girls, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, committed to a talented and diverse student population. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.